Sry to say it but you can't. You can only clone Pokemon in Emerald.
can you clone pokeman & items in ruby
You can't get Rayquaza in Ruby or Sapphire unless you trade it. you can, if you know the cloning glitch for Emerald, clone your Rayquaza and trade one to your Ruby Version.
no, only in emerald
how to get raqueza in littletown in Pokemon ruby version
You can't always get master balls in any version of Pokemon, or so I've heard. You usually get a master ball once, unless you either clone it or look for it all around the Pokemon world. My advice to whoever wrote this question, don't use the master ball until the time is just right! Okayy... now look over here and not at that useless JUNK! To get masterballs in sapphire and ruby is the " Lucky Number thing " also in silver gold and crystal version you can clone the Pokemon. To clone them look at like " How to clone Pokemon in silver version " or something... anyway and in the Diamond and pearl you can clone too. idk how to obtain masterballs in red blue green and yellow version and idk about platinum too. but this... is all i no.
u cant
You can't clone in ruby.
you cant but you could breed it or there is a way to clone on emerald
can you clone pokeman & items in ruby
You can't get Rayquaza in Ruby or Sapphire unless you trade it. you can, if you know the cloning glitch for Emerald, clone your Rayquaza and trade one to your Ruby Version.
1.say at petalburg ''abra kadabra'' 2.say at battle tower ''alakazam'' 3.clone
You can't! Try emerald
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.
You can clone items in Pokemon Ruby. You can accomplish this by attaching the item to the Pokemon you are cloning.
No ... you cant but u can clone Pokemon in emerald HOPE THIS HELPS!!!:P Keyur