You right-click on an object. This will show a menu with several options; you choose one with the left mouse button. If you left-click in the first place, this will choose the default option (the first option in the list when you right-click).
It's called Hackscape, but it is a scam.
no, idiot, no java
Get the Key and unlock the door.
SkythekidRS (RS stands for Rune Scape)
Answer: you have to beet the boss Answer: I don't think there is such an option.
You go to the Rune Shop in Varrock, talk to the wizard, select the Teleport option, and you can mine as much Rune Essence as your inventory can hold.
RIght click the butterfly and select the "catch" option
yes, it is.
Treasure Trails - Rune Scape Guides can be found at webpages like Rune Scape, Rune HQ, and Rune Scape Services and all explain how an individual can carry a clue scroll in the game.
Rune Wiki, its different each time.
The price constantly changes.
from the ge
Buy them.