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If you have gotten latest updates then the coordinates should be at the top left of the map when you look at it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

How to check coordinates on the Mac in minecraft

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How do you check your coordinates on minecraft on a mac?

you must change the setting so you have to press fn with the F1,2,3... for it to work. Now if you press F5 by itself it will show your coordinates.

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I dont know

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Because you have a really bad computer and minecraft is using all of the memory.

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There is no other way.

What are the coordinates in Minecraft for?

Just specific areas in certain world saves. All the worlds are different in Minecraft for each new world except if you have the same seed. You can mark down certain coordinates of like you're house if you ever get lost.

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Let minecraft do its auto update or check the minecraft news!

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Check the Minecraft Wiki. It has information there.

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If your x and z coordinates are both multiples of 16, you are standing on the corner of a chunk.

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Diamonds are found between y 8-12.

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Check out the link below for a guide of how to install mods in Minecraft.

Why does minecraft say failed log in when you log in?

It means you can not connect to the Minecraft servers, check your network.