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Check the Minecraft Wiki. It has information there.

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Q: Can someone make me a private minecraft server?
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Could I use someone's private Minecraft server to make a video on youtube?

You could. If you want permission, ask the server host or administrator.

How do you make a private server on minecraft?

To make a private server, you will need to go to your file and change it to whitelist true.

Can someone make me a Minecraft server?

We cannot make you a Minecraft server. We can only give you the map to play until you quit or you make a server of your own.

Can someone make you a beta Minecraft server or a regalar Minecraft server?

ask nicely in the minecraft forums and you might get lucky

Can someone make you a minecraft SMP server?

No but they can make you an op. Would you like to join my server? If you do visit these websites,

How do you download someone else's Minecraft server?

You can't. Servers are run on a computer with a special program. You can make your own server though!

How do you make a minecraft server a single player?

Why would you make a minecraft server to play on it urself? It wastes RAM and time.

How much is a Minecraft server?

It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.

How much money is a Minecraft server?

It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.

How do you make your minecraft server not say server?

In Edit The "motd= Server" And Make It Whatever You Want

Will someone make an ocean server on minecraft?

There are tons :/ Try mine: !!blubex fantastic flats!! I'm Blubex

Will someone make a runescape private server for myself on moparscape or say how in a very simple way?

There is no simple way of creating a server, you can always ask someone on the forums there if they will do it for you.