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You can't do that unless you have gold or blue.

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Q: How do you change your pokeballs into master balls?
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How can you make all your pokeballs master?

yes you can turn pokeballs into master balls hold b and pres up wall clicking on it

In Pokemon diamond how do you get pokeballs to work as master balls?

There is no way to do this.

What is the cheat for unlimmitted master balls?

Master balls are the best kind of Pokeballs you can get on the game Pokemon. The cheat for unlimited master balls is to use the Missing No glitch.

What pokeballs are good against registeel regirock and regice?

Heavy Balls or Ultra Balls. And Master Balls of course:)

What pokeballs do you use to catch azelf?

There are many types of PokeBalls you could use to catch Azelf.But I would suggest the following: Quick Balls Master Balls Poke Balls Dusk Balls and,Ultra Balls

How do you make your PokeBalls work like Master Balls in FireRed?

That's not possible.

How do you remove a master ball?

Master balls are Superior pokeballs so it catches all Pokemon no question so why get rid of it?

How do you turn pokeballs to master balls in leaf green without game shark?

I dont think you can

Turn pokeballs into master balls?

i wish but u can only customise them. i bought gold version and they did not have that

How do you get 999 master balls in heartgold?

you must have action replay and you must use the code : pokeballs *990

Can you turn pokeballs into master balls in soul silver version?

unless you have an Action replay not possible sorry

How do you catch arecus in platinum?

You have to keep trying the best you can and try everything including: Master balls, pokeballs, etc