I would say that a try a few Ultra Balls, try to put it to sleep. Then try Ultra Balls. If you can't, then ultimately use Master Balls.
Yes i think it does, the game has the event programmed into the game even if you dont trigger it with a regigigas. You could even trade a regigigas from D/P to trigger the event.
1 but he needs 28 episodesq to power up to do it and first try wont work;)
There are 2 ways to get regigigas. -if you trade regirock,registeel,regice from others games you catch him at lvl 1 at the snowtemple. -if you catch the three regis in platinum you catch regigigas at lvl 100 at the snowtemple.You need all three Regi Pokemon. Go to the bottom of the Snowpoint Temple. Regigigas will be there at level 70 (it will only wake up if you have the three Regis in your party) .Get Regigigas' HP down to red and then start to throw Pokeballs at it. Just keep going. I reccommend using 10 Dusk Balls, 3 Timer Balls, 2 Great Balls, and 5 Ultra Balls.Regigigas is a Normal-type Pokemon. So you might not want to use any Fighting-type moves.If you can't find out how to get past all the ice, Youtube is a great help!To catch Regigigas in Pokemon, you have to have beaten the Pokemon League and have received the National Pokedex. Transfer Regirock, Regice and Registeel via thre Pal Park.Go to Snowpoint Temple and keep going up or down the stairs until there is a big icey patch. Try your best to get though that.Catch Regigigas by lowering its HP a bit and then throw a couple of Ultra Balls, Great Balls, Luxury Balls, Dusk Balls, maybe throw a Quick Ball or if you want, a Master Ball. You should save before batling Regigigas.You may wanna use a pichu at first. It really works just let regi kill it and it will get parlyized. it helped me alot. After that i just took em down with my sceptile with false swipe. i caught it wit a poke ball on my first try.........sometimes the weakest balls work the best.you have to have the three other regis (regice, regirock, and registeel) that you migrate from emerald, ruby, or sapphire. you put them in your party and go to the bottom of snowpoint temple . there will be a standing regigigas talk to it . It will say some stuff and you battle regigigas. P.S. If you want a shiny save before it and soft restart until it is shinyyou need the 3 regi pokemon, either using cheats, or transferring from pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald, then bring the 3 to that temple in snowpoint city. the 3 regi's will awaken regigigas, he will be level 1, have fun :)first you must migrate regi steel,regi ice and regi rock from kanto region and put them on your party. and then go to the snow point tempel in snow point city.then go to the lovest floor of the snow point tempel an there is the regigigas statue save and glick the regigias you mast have regi steel, regi ice and regi rock with you
Move the arrows to bag and select in w/ A. move arrows to get to pokeballs, select the poke ball w/ A. f you've weakened to Pokemon enough you may have a successful capture!!! There is no such thing as a %increase by pressing buttons while the poke ball shakes. people do so because it gives them a false sense of confidence . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^^HAHA so true. Made me laugh out loud. But, I did read on a help screen in one of the games that pressing L and R as the ball sways in the corresponding direction will help catch it. But if that doesn't work, then get better freaking pokeballs and stop whining on this website! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^^ don't listen to them they are sceptics!! i like to hit a 3 times, once per shake.
I am not sure about the best ball, but here are some ideas: Master Ball, Cherish ball, Ultra Ball, Luxaray Ball. If none of these work knock it out.
weaken it, then once it's way in the red, use a bunch of pokeballs, then after you're out of pokeballs, use an ultra ball. it should work after a couple tries.
It really doesn't matter, every Pokeball works, but specific Pokeballs work better than the rest such as a Master ball.
Buy 10 pokeballs at any mart, if it doesn't work this works for ruby, sapphire and emerald.
simple use a master ball i thing only master ball because giritina is a legendery and normal pokeballs don't work
A Master Ball NEVER fails in the newer games because the way pokeballs work was updated, however in the older gba games there is a small chance that a Master Ball will fail.
The best way is to use Ultra balls. They work best if you dont got a master ball or if you want to save it.
on PS2 you hold R1 and press O. It wont work if you use a bad passer or ball handler for the pass and if you have bad ball handling or hands for the dunk. It wont work if your not open unless your someone like Kobe or Lebron.
A Premier Ball is simply a pokeball with a different color scheme, given to the player character when they buy 10 normal pokeballs in bulk at a poke mart, as a gift. It has no added benefits other than an aesthetic color change so it does not work as a Master Ball.
There is no way to do this.
Well, the ultra ball works. I wouldn't recommend you use your master ball, but you can if you want. Timer balls work, You are in a cave bring Dusk Balls because caves are dark and dusk balls work better in the dark. If you are planning to use anything besides the master ball, bring 30 to 50 of them. Giratina is HHHHHAAAAARRRRRDDDDD to catch!!!!!
I have Uxie on diamond and platinum and they where both caught with a ultra ball. If that wont work then use a mega ball.
Yes i think it does, the game has the event programmed into the game even if you dont trigger it with a regigigas. You could even trade a regigigas from D/P to trigger the event.