There are 2 ways to get regigigas. -if you trade regirock,registeel,regice from others games you catch him at lvl 1 at the snowtemple. -if you catch the three regis in platinum you catch regigigas at lvl 100 at the snowtemple.
You need all three Regi Pokemon. Go to the bottom of the Snowpoint Temple. Regigigas will be there at level 70 (it will only wake up if you have the three Regis in your party) .
Get Regigigas' HP down to red and then start to throw Pokeballs at it. Just keep going. I reccommend using 10 Dusk Balls, 3 Timer Balls, 2 Great Balls, and 5 Ultra Balls.
Regigigas is a Normal-type Pokemon. So you might not want to use any Fighting-type moves.
If you can't find out how to get past all the ice, YouTube is a great help!
To catch Regigigas in Pokemon, you have to have beaten the Pokemon League and have received the National Pokedex. Transfer Regirock, Regice and Registeel via thre Pal Park.
Go to Snowpoint Temple and keep going up or down the stairs until there is a big icey patch. Try your best to get though that.
Catch Regigigas by lowering its HP a bit and then throw a couple of Ultra Balls, Great Balls, Luxury Balls, Dusk Balls, maybe throw a Quick Ball or if you want, a Master Ball. You should save before batling Regigigas.
You may wanna use a pichu at first. It really works just let regi kill it and it will get parlyized. it helped me alot. After that i just took em down with my sceptile with false swipe. i caught it wit a poke ball on my first try.........sometimes the weakest balls work the best.
you have to have the three other regis (regice, regirock, and registeel) that you migrate from emerald, ruby, or sapphire. you put them in your party and go to the bottom of snowpoint temple . there will be a standing regigigas talk to it . It will say some stuff and you battle regigigas. P.S. If you want a shiny save before it and soft restart until it is shiny
you need the 3 regi pokemon, either using cheats, or transferring from pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald, then bring the 3 to that temple in snowpoint city. the 3 regi's will awaken regigigas, he will be level 1, have fun :)
first you must migrate regi steel,regi ice and regi rock from kanto region and put them on your party. and then go to the snow point tempel in snow point city.then go to the lovest floor of the snow point tempel an there is the regigigas statue save and glick the regigias you mast have regi steel, regi ice and regi rock with you
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You cannot get Regigigas for Pokemon Ruby since it is a newer generation of Pokemon. It is for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
I don't Know if your being serious but regigigas is a Pokemon created for Pokemon pearl and diamond.
I am sorry it's impossible to get Regigigas in Pokemon Emerald. You can only get it in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
Trade with Pokemon Platinum, Pearl, or Diamond.