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Log onto your Mojang account and you will be able to request a password change. You may be asked an extra security question which you will have made when you created your account.

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Q: How do you change your account password on minecraft?
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What is a minecraft username and password for PC?

If you are asking for a username and password of another person's account, here is not the place to do so. Not only can their account be subject to a password change, but they may lose their account. I recommend buying Minecraft, if you find it a good game!

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Yes: User: MCFreeAccount Pass: Password

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You need a password, it's the same password as your Mojang or Minecraft account.

How do you get a login for Minecraft?

Mojang does not currently support changing you Minecraft user name You can change your password on the Profile page of the Minecraft website You can change your email address by migrating your Minecraft account to a Mojang account or, if already migrated, go to your Mojang account Settings page As for creating an entirely new account, you just go the the Minecraft website and click Register, the only problem with this is you will need to buy the game again.

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No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.

Does anyone have a premium minecraft account that you can have?

Not that I know of. If someone gave an account away, someone else would change the password on it. You need to buy it.

Where can you enter a minecraft username and get the password for that account?

i think in the minecraft pc version

What is the username and password for Minecraft?

you have to buy an account and create your own username and password

What is TBNRfrags password for minecraft?

His account is private and there is no way of getting his password.

What is skydoesMinecraft's password in Minecraft?

No one makes their Minecraft password publicly available or someone could easily hack their account.

What is the password for Minecraft 1.8?

What the heck are you talking about? You don't need a password for Minecraft 1.8 but you do need an account unless you hacked it.

What is the password for free minecraft?

you have to make your own account.