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There is no way to restore the default controls other than to find a list of the default controls somewhere and change them manually.

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Q: How do you change the controls on your minecraft back to normal?
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How do you change controls in minecraft back to normal?

Look up the default controls on the minecraft wiki page, go to the control settings in minecraft, and change them.

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force update, it will reset everything, it is really annoying

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When you open up Minecraft and it comes up with the login explorer, click on options and click force update you then log in and your Minecraft will return back to normal and don't worry it only replaces your with a new one.

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If you mean that you want to change the view mode, all you have to do is press [F5] and the view will change to a 'far' camera mode. If you press it again, it will face your character, and pressing it once more changes it back to normal.

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Go into the Options menu and under Controls.... click on the Reset Keys button and it will make every thing go back to the original game controls.

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um im assuming you have got creatie mode on if you have commands just look up the command to change back to standard game play if your in a cretive world then go to survival, or 1.9 hardcore

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just reformat it.

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