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Well, you can't exactly change them but you can buy different color puffles at the puffle shop. There are 10 main colors. Red, blue, pink, purple, yellow, green, white, black, orange, and brown. Non-members can only adopt 2 but members can adopt 20.

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Q: How do you change puffle colors in club penguin?
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Is the white puffle the rarest in Club Penguin?

No, the white puffle is not the rarest puffle on Club Penguin.

What was the 1st puffle in Club Penguin?

The first Puffle introduced on Club Penguin was the Blue Puffle. This Puffle was available to all Club Penguin users, including non-members. Also, the second Puffle on Club Penguin was the Red Puffle. This Puffle was brought by the notorious Captain Rockhopper, a celebrity on Club Penguin. They are a special breed of Puffle, originating from Rockhopper Island. This Puffle too, was available to all Club Penguin users.

Where on Club Penguin can you enter puffle shows?

There are no puffle shows on club penguin but there is a puffle party coming.

Where is rockhoppers puffle on Club Penguin?

Rockhopper's puffle is a red puffle on club penguin and is named Yarr

Is there a diamond puffle for Club Penguin?

there is not a diamond puffle for club penguin I'm Hermione2002

Is there a gray puffle on Club Penguin?

No there is no gray puffle on Club Penguin, but there is a black one. The colors are Blue, Red, Green, Pink, Black, Yellow, White, Purple, orange, and brown. Hope this helps!

How do you get a rain bow puffle on club penguin?

There is no such thing as a rainbow puffle on club penguin...yet.

What puffle catches on fire on club penguin?

the black puffle catches fire on club penguin if you feed it a puffle-o or if you play with it

Where do you find a rainbow puffle on club penguin?

You need a puffle, then take the puffle and you have to beat the last level in puffle launch with all the puffle o's, then you take your puffle to the recycling unit and it should change colors right before your eyes!

How can you get a rainbowcoloured puffle on Club Penguin?

Yes go on youtube and type in how to get a rainbow puffle on club penguin.

Club Penguin Puffle Rescue?

Club Penguin's latest game, Puffle Rescue, is at the Underground Mine.

Where is the pink puffle pin on Club Penguin?

The pink puffle on Club Penguin is at the Cove on the bottom left.