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i think you have to evolve wooper go check on rbygsc pokedex

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Q: How do you catch quagsire on Pokemon Gold?
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Where can you catch a water Pokemon on land in HeartGold?

You can find quagsire or wooper in some areas. Quagsire can be sometimes found in Mt. Silver. Quagsire is part ground and part water.

Where do you catch quagsire in Pokemon Emerald?

You can find it in the safari zone extension, however it is very rare.

What type of Pokemon is Quagsire?

Quagsire is a Water and Ground type pokemon.

Can quagsire involve in Pokemon X?

Quagsire does not evolve in Pokemon X.

When does quagsire evolve on Pokemon Diamond?

quagsire does not have another evolution on Pokemon diamond

What pokemon evolves into Quagsire?

Wooper is the Pokémon that will evolve into Quagsire and it will evolve into Quagsire starting at Level 20.

Where do you catch Pokemon no195 in ruby?

Quagsire can only be obtained in Pokemon Emerald, FireRed, Colosseum, and XD Gale of Darkness. Therefore you have to trade it from one of these games.

How do you catch quagsire in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can get Quagsire on route 212 or in the Great Marsh. You can also evolve Wooper at Level 20.

What moves are affective to quagsire in Pokemon SoulSilver?

earth, fire, and grass are all super affective to quagsire in Pokemon soul silver

What level does wooper evolve in Pokemon gold?

wooper evolves at level 20 into quagsire..veronica

Where can you catch pickachu in Pokemon Gold?

You can catch it in Route 2.

What Pokemon can you catch in the safari zone on Pokemon soulsilver?

Croagunk, Noctowl, Hoothoot, Psyduck, Quagsire, Starly, Staravia, Azurill, Marill, Skorupi and each day, there will be one specific really rare pokemon.