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You can find quagsire or wooper in some areas. Quagsire can be sometimes found in Mt. Silver. Quagsire is part ground and part water.

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Q: Where can you catch a water Pokemon on land in HeartGold?
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You can catch him at the top right corner piece of land in Kanto, See related link below for the Kanto map. It has a dead end in the top right corner, that's where suicune is, but you have to find him everywhere else in Kanto and Johto region.

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Unfortunately, you can only get it from a Nintendo event which was held a long time ago in a distant land. Unlucky.

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Where do you catch shelgon in Pokemon Sapphire?

you cannot catch shelgon in Pokemon sapphire. you need to get bagon. to get bagon, go to meteor falls. go up the water fall using the move waterfall. go inside the door. explore the areas. you will find a small cave with water seprarting the land. run around on the land. you will find bagon. catch him with a ultra ball. if you have questions please email me at

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to catch bagon, you have to go to meteor falls. find the the innermost part of the meteor falls where there is water and an isolated land at the end. you can see a lvl 30 bagon there.

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you talk to the old man in viridian who teaches you how to catch pokemon. When he asks if you are busy say no. Then fly to the island with Blaines gym on it and surf right were the land meets the water. hope this helps

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To catch a Pokemon with a rod, you have to use the rod, then wait until a "!" appears above your character's head. Once that happens, press "a" as fast as you can before it gets away. If you land the Pokemon, you get to battle it.

How do you catch land forme shaymin in Pokemon platinum?

you need the event called oak's letter for it