you cant catch missingno but you can send it from red and blue I'm pretty sure but it wil turn into a ditto i think you can also catch glitches on Pokemon crystal.
No because the man who teaches you how to catch Pokemon will not show you how to catch Pokemon no matter how many times you talk to him plus if he does show you how to catch Pokemon and you go to cinnibar island and try to find missingno it still will not show up ever.
just add gameshark or codebraker codes or vba
the Unobtainable Pokemon in RSEFRLG are Celebi, Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, and 000 (Missingno. ( DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CATCH))
You can only catch Zapdos in Crystal by cheating. otherwise it is not in the game
No. Missingno is a glitch pokemon found in pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.
catch Missingno
catch a Missingno
There is no Missingno. anymore.
No because the man who teaches you how to catch Pokemon will not show you how to catch Pokemon no matter how many times you talk to him plus if he does show you how to catch Pokemon and you go to cinnibar island and try to find missingno it still will not show up ever.
just add gameshark or codebraker codes or vba
to make appear missingno in Pokemon emerald you need a advance map and make a grass patch configure to make appear Pokemon but only 2 or 3 and play the modified ROM go to the new grass patch and you will find missingno but if you want catch you need the master ball save before you catch missingno sometimes he disappear of your game
the Unobtainable Pokemon in RSEFRLG are Celebi, Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, and 000 (Missingno. ( DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CATCH))
MissingNo stands for Missing Number in Pokemon.
You talk to the guy that shows you how to catch Pokemon say you are not in a hurry then he will catch a Pokemon then fly down to cinnibar isle surf next to the land you will find a missingno. catch it store it in your PC turn off the game turn it on missingno. will be a Rhydon train it to LV999 it will have a ton of attack.
You cant catch Articuno in Pokemon Crystal, only in Blue, Red and Yellow. But i am not sure about that.
'M' is a version of the Missingno glitch found in Pokemon Red and Blue. When doing the Missingno glitch on R/B and you come across a Pokemon named just 'M', Do not catch it. It -WILL- mess up your game (I've done it before, I lost my entire blue game because of it XP). Missingno is perfectly fine to catch, but 'M' is not.