So far, the only way to get Deoxys in Pokemon Platnum (or in any Pokemon game for that matter) has been through Nintendo events.
You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...
A Pokemon's catch rate can range from 3 (hardest to catch) to 255 (easiest to catch). Hardest to catch (catch rate = 3): - Uxie - Mesprit - Azelf - Heatran - Regigigas - Giratina - Cresselia - Manaphy - Darkrai - Arceus Easier to catch (catch rate = 30): - Dialga (& Palkia) Easiest Sinnoh legendary to catch (catch rate = 45): - Shaymin
You can not catch butterflies, if you are seeking to catch a beautifly, they are not wild. You have to catch a silcoon in Eterna Forest then evolve it into Beautifly
You can onl catch LUNATONE in SAPPHIRE but you can catch solrock in emerald
So far, the only way to get Deoxys in Pokemon Platnum (or in any Pokemon game for that matter) has been through Nintendo events.
All three Cadillac CTS and CTS-V cars require SAE 5W-30 engine oil. Although it specifies no particular brand,Cadillac recommends Dexos-certified oils that bear the Dexos mark; Dexos is an oil-rating standard used by many automakers. If you plan to drive the car in extreme cold (-29 Celsius/-20 Fahrenheit), use 0W-30 oil
all you hav to do is go to game stop, and they will have a ds download play and you use your ds, and then you will receive it
If you mean, de-evolutionary items, they don't exist. However, a Pokemon CAN hold an everstone, which prevents evolution (while holding it).
Yes, GM has now made that standard to meet the minimum requirements for blended oils. This is the reason they have created DEXOS.
You can not go into space on any Pokemon game, dispite what others may tell you. Going into space is one of the BIGGEST lies anybody has made up for Pokemon games. You can ==only== catch Deoxys at Aurora Island. You can get here by going to a Nintendo Event in REAL LIFE Japan, or by using a Gameshark/Action Replay.
no. oh-oh made all the leagendys exept mew(it came from the world of ellushins),dexos(its from space and mewtwo(its a clone of mew with a beserk gene).
you can do a few things. 1. migrate if you have firered, leafgreen,ect. after getting the national dex. 2. you can trade on the GTS with someone who did #1 3. trade with a friend who did #1
the 3.7L 2012 Chevy Traverse holds 6 quarts of oil. GM states you must use only 5W30 Dexos Synthetic oil or you will void your warranty
It is completely impossible to get Deoxys in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold or Soulsilver. Deoxys has not yet been distributed in any event and there is no hack into getting it. Furthermore, there is no way of getting a Deoxys in these games listed above.
They catch cod as a by catch.
Catch the Catch was created on 1986-04-28.