

Best Answer

Combee is a rare pokemon. One of the rare pokemon scattered all over the region of Sinnoh.Are you going to evolve into Vespiquen. Since Action replay is bad, you could use it to catch the First Elite Four's Leader Pokemon, Vespiquen.

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Q: How do you catch combee in pearl?
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Can you catch a combee in Pokemon emerald?

I doubt it as combee appeared first in Diamond and Pearl

Who has a combee in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

No trainer has a combee in diamond and pearl but you can find a combee on trees you put honey on. There is a trainer in route 208, she has combee and Roselia

Where is the Pokemon Combee on diamond and pearl?

there are two ways in which you can see/catch a combee.1)slather a tree in honey...wait a while.. and if you get lucky one should turn up..however females are rare to find. this is the only way you can catch one.2)go west of hearthome city...there's 2 women ... one in green and the other has the combee, this is the easier way to see combee but not catch it.hope it helpsjoe !honey trees

Where is combee in pearl?

in honey trees

Where are cobees on Pokemon pearl?

You catch COMBEE's on honey trees, they are pretty common, just check a tree six hours after you put honey on it.

How do you catch a combee?

If there is some honey on the grass or on a special tree, it will attract COMBEE.

How do you get a female combee in heartgold?

When you encounter a Combee, there is a 12.5% chance that it will be female. See related link for details on where to catch Combee.

What is the Pokemon number 53 on pearl?


Who has a combee in Pokemon pearl?

Many people do.

Who is Pokemon 53 in Pokemon Pearl?


What is the easiest way to catch a combee?

The easiest way to catch a Combee is to slather honey all over a honey tree. Apply seven honeys all at once and the tree will start to shake allowing you to catch Combee.

In the pearl Sinnoh pokedex who is number 53?
