vespiqueen is the final form of a female combee.....meaning it wont evolve again......
53 is combee and 54 is vespiqueen 53 is combee and 54 is vespiqueen
Only through an HM
With an abomasnow and blizzard
The 53rd Pokemon in the diamond and pearl pokedex is combee, it evolves to vespiqueen at lvl 21 if it is female.
vespiqueen is the final form of a female combee.....meaning it wont evolve again......
u cant.
the only way to get Vespiqueen and her crew is on a quest helping some jam maker.
53 is combee and 54 is vespiqueen 53 is combee and 54 is vespiqueen
The first battle at the Elite four.
Only through an HM
evolve a girl combee at lv20
u cant catch a vespiqueen u have to catch a combee (has to be a girl) then when it evolves voila!!!!! u have a vespiqueen (or u could just use an action replay)
Catch a female Combee, then level it up to 21.
Elite Four Aaron has one.
With an abomasnow and blizzard
Catch a female Combee, then level it up to 21.