if you have a female combee it evolves at level 21but unfortunatley male combee dont evolve and they are loads more common! sorry
At lv.21, only if the combee is a female...
Girafarig doe's not evolve
it depends on the Pokemon that are evolving
It evolves at level 40.
Combee is a rare pokemon. One of the rare pokemon scattered all over the region of Sinnoh.Are you going to evolve into Vespiquen. Since Action replay is bad, you could use it to catch the First Elite Four's Leader Pokemon, Vespiquen.
At lv.21, only if the combee is a female...
they dont only female ones evolve at level 21 if You want a male vespqwen keep trainig combee
Not sure how to get the vespiquen, but if you slather Honey on a tree, then you might come across a combee. Then, you can level the combee up and itll evolve into a vespiquen.
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
Combee,put honey on a tree and U might find him/HER Her is who should find so it can evolve
It must be a Female combee and it evolves at level 21
evolve snowver at level 40
Buizel evolve at level 26.
No trainer has a combee in diamond and pearl but you can find a combee on trees you put honey on. There is a trainer in route 208, she has combee and Roselia
level 18