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When you go eterna forest with the cheryl, she left you and you go to etrerna city.Then you go back to eterna forest and catch it.

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Q: How do you catch burmy?
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Where do you catch burmy in diamond?

you can catch burmy from slathering honey on a tree.

Where can you catch wormadom in Pokemon pearl?

You cannot catch Wormadam, it evolves from Burmy. Burmy can be found in the Sweet Honey Trees.

Where to catch a pink Burmy in Pokemon diamond?

You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.

Were do you catch a pink Burmy in Pokemon Diamond?

You can get a pink Burmy after battling inside buildings.

Can you catch burmy in eterna forest?

You cannot catch Burmy in Eterna Forest. To find and catch Burmy you need to use the item Honey on a golden tree and check later to see if it's shaking. These trees appear in almost every Route all over Sinnoh.

On Pokemon Diamond what evolves into mothim?

Only male Burmy evolve into mothim. Put honey on trees to catch burmy. Female burmy evolve into wormadam.

How do you catch burmy in pearl?

put honey on a tree

Pokemon do you have to play the game to catch a burmy?


How Exactly Do You Catch A Burmy in pearl?

You have to Headbutt Trees.

Pokemon platinum where can you see wormadam?

You ca't see it! Put some honey on a tree and catch a burmy then evolve burmy

How do you catch wormadam in Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot catch a wild Wormadam in Pokémon Pearl however you can catch a wild Burmy in Pokémon Pearl by putting honey in any of the various Honey Trees in the region which is where the wild Burmy will be at, once one appears it will need to be a female Burmy that you catch and then you can raise it until it reaches Level 20 at which point it will evolve into Wormadam, male Burmy cannot evolve into Wormadam male ones will only evolve into Mothim.

How do you catch burmy fast?

Honey trees:)) or trade with a friend