You catch Abra in the 3rd City or 4th,i mean near the 3rd GYM,look for him in the grass,or u can find him more bigger level in Lavender Town near the Pokemon Center,go left there are a bunch of trainers,keep moving there u see a tree,cut it search for him in that grass,YOU CAN ALSO FIND KADABRA THERE!!!!!
Its hard to catch him, i used butterfree and used sleep powder then hit him a few time to weeken him, just once or twice depending on the lvl of it then i threw a Pokemon ball and tah-dah, got myself an Abra, goodl uck =]
saffrom city grass areas
You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
In the dark cave or victory road.
Abra is found in most games like in firered you can get it on route 24 or the game corner.
saffrom city grass areas
You can catch an Abra from:Wild: Routes 5, 6, 7 and 8.Special: Casino of Celadon City (230 coins).
Catch an Abra
You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...
to my knowledge,you cannot catch a dragonair in yellow version, but you can catch dratini in the safari zone
You have to catch him in the wild (this is almost as hard as catching Moltres because he keeps telleporting), or you can buy 180 coins at the games corner in Celadon City. Enjoy getting your Abra.
catch Abra and then trade to any need to trade in order to evolve
you catch it on route 24 and 25
No, you can find Abra on Route 203.
You can find psyducks at Seafoam Island
In the dark cave or victory road.