Abra is found in most games like in firered you can get it on route 24 or the game corner.
You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...
You can get a twistedspoon from a wild Abra. You can use the move Thief or Covet on a wild Abra to get a twistedspoon, or you can catch the Abra, but you might have to catch or use Thief or Covet on a whole bunch of them because it is only a 5% chance that a wild Abra will hold a twistedspoon.
You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.
I tried paralyzing it but the Abra teleports before i use stun spore. I can't catch it.
any grass around goldenrod
You can catch them on the route where you catch the Kadabra...
you catch it on route 24 and 25
No, you can find Abra on Route 203.
You can catch an Abra from:Wild: Routes 5, 6, 7 and 8.Special: Casino of Celadon City (230 coins).
You can get a twistedspoon from a wild Abra. You can use the move Thief or Covet on a wild Abra to get a twistedspoon, or you can catch the Abra, but you might have to catch or use Thief or Covet on a whole bunch of them because it is only a 5% chance that a wild Abra will hold a twistedspoon.
granite cave in dewford
You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.
I tried paralyzing it but the Abra teleports before i use stun spore. I can't catch it.
same way you catch any other shiny pokemon. what i suggest is that you use the matsuda method with hatching eggs (seeing as how abra is a pain to catch in the first place). this may take a while but you should get it eventually.
You cant catch a Kadabra. You have to train Abra to level 16 to get Kadabra. Hope i helped :)
abra and ralts are two of them
Catch an Abra