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you can catch one in team magmas hideout

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Q: How do you catch a graveler in Pokemon emerald?
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How do you catch a graveler on Pokemon White?

you can not catch graveler on Pokemon white Sorry:):):):)

Where do you get a golem in Pokemon emerald?

you have to trade graveler and then it will evolve

How does gravelar evovle on Pokemon Emerald?

Graveler evolves into Golem via trade.

Can you catch Groudon in Pokemon emerald?

Yes, You can catch Groudon in Pokemon Emerald.

Where do you catch gastly in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.

How do you trade Graveler in Pokemon Emerald?

Get a link cable and someone else with emerald and go upstairs in the poke center

Can you catch Entei on Pokemon Emerald version?

No you cannot catch Entei in Pokemon Emerald.

Where do you catch bellsprout in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't catch a Bellsprot in Pokemon Emerald. You trade it from Pokemon Leafgreen!

Can you catch the same Pokemon in sapphire and emerald?

There are many Pokemon you catch that are similar in sapphire and emerald but there are many Pokemon emerald can only get and not sapphire.

What Pokemon are in fiery path in Pokemon ruby?

I have emerald and I have found geodude, torkoal and koffing. There is also graveler, murk and grimer. Possibly there could be slugma and numel. Evolutions of slugma and numel are rare. Catch when possible.

Will a Kadabra evolve if I trade it to Pokemon Colosseum from Pokemon Emerald?

Yes, it should work. I evolved my Graveler that way.

How do you catch a golem in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot catch a one, but if you trade a Graveler, it will evolve into a Golem.