go to route 2 and use the pokeradar the best way to catch it is to use a master ball.
pokeradar on route 222
Yes,it evolves into a Flaffy
go west of sunyshore city, and go in the patch of tall grass all the way to the far left there you can catch a level 100 golden flaffy, you can capture a red staraptor level 100, but you have to run in the grass with a max repel on. you must run 500 times in this pactch of grass. i caught 3 shiny Pokemon doing this.
Mareep evolves into Flaffy a Lv 15 then into Ampharos at Lv 30.
31, 32, 33, 34, or 35 understand gamer
To catch ampharos, you have to evolve Flaffy to level 30 and use cheat codes as well.
you can catch it after you had finished you're first pokedex,you can find it just before sunshore city, its not that common but it is there.
After you beat the elite four go to the safari zone and look for a secret area towards the right this is the johto area why is it called that? Because loads of johto Pokemon like mareep roam around here, catch a mareep then train it and it will become a flaffy train it to level 36 to make it become a ampharos if that doesn't work use a thunderstone on flaffy.
Flaaffy can be found on routes 42 and 43. Or if you already have a Mareep, you can evolve that
You can't take it you have to catch a mareep evolve it into a flaffy then evolve it again
ferrets, sentrets, red garrydos Magicarp, Flaffy, Pidgeotto, Girafarig.
You can get it by evolving your mareep into a flaffy, then a flaffy into an ampharos.
It's in between Ecruteak city and Mahogany town (in the tall grass of course). Hope I helped!
It could be found at route 42 and 43 --------------------COMMENT---------------------------------- Thx so much this helped alot!
Ampharos cannot be found in the wild. You must catch either a Flaffy or a Mareep and evolve that. (Level 30 from Mareep).
It evolves at level 30 to Ampharos.
Flaffy evolves at lvl. 30it's evolution is at lvl 30you should try to catch larvitar and evalve it to tyranitar. it evalves at lvl 55 to tyranitar. you'll love the pokemon's strength.flaaft evolves into ampharos in lvl 30