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There are two areas to get a ditto. Both near Golden Rod City. One is above. One is below. The first area is Route 35. The second is Route 34.

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Q: How do you catch a ditto in Pokemon Crystal?
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you cant catch missingno but you can send it from red and blue I'm pretty sure but it wil turn into a ditto i think you can also catch glitches on Pokemon crystal.

Can you catch Ditto in Pokemon platnium?

no ditto is there

Where to catch a Ditto in Pokemon sapphire?

You can't catch a ditto in Pokemon Sapphire, but you can trade it from Pokemon Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen.

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What is the starter babies that can be received by breeding the evolved from with Ditto in Pokemon Pearl?

There are 12 starter babies in the Pokemon World To Get Bulbasaur Catch Ivysaur and a Ditto To Get Charmander Catch Charmeleon and a Ditto To Get Squirtle Catch Wartortle and a Ditto To Get Chikorita Catch Bayleef and a Ditto To Get Cyndaquil Catch Quilava and a Ditto To Get Totodile Catch Croconaw and a Ditto To Get Treecko Catch Grovyle and a Ditto To Get Torchic Catch Combusken and a Ditto To Get Mudkip Catch Marshtomp and a Ditto To Get Turtwig Catch Grotle and a Ditto To Get Chimchar Catch Monferno and a Ditto To Get Piplup Catch Prinplup and a Ditto

How can you catch a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can't catch Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire. You'll have to trade it from Pokemon Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen

Where do you catch a Ditto in Pokemon FireRed?

in the pokemon mansion lvl 30 ditto

Where can you catch Ditto on Pokemon diamond?

You can catch Ditto at route 218. Ditto around there are usually lv 30. :)

What part of the safari zone do you catch Ditto?

you cant catch ditto in the safari catch him in the Pokemon mansion in cinnabar

What two Pokemon will make Ditto in Pokemon pearl?

you can't breed pokemon to make a ditto, but you can catch a ditto at route 218 using a PokeRader.

Where do you catch Ditto in Pokemon saphirre?

You must get ditto from emerald, firered or leafgreen because you can't catch it.

How do you catch Ditto in Pokemon white?

you can catch it in giant chasem