Its only available as a starter pokemon, so if you want one, you'll have to choose it from the outset when you're asked to choose your first pokemon. If you haven't done so and you still want one, you'll have to get it from another (human-controlled) player.
Piplup is a starter Pokémon so it cannot be caught.
in the begining of the game the profeser will give you three Pokemon and you have to pick one the three Pokemon are chimchar,piplup and turtwig.
U can't catch prinplup u only can evolve it from piplup and to get piplup is to cheat or at the start of the game u choose piplup as the starter hope this helped :)
pick it as your starter
Usually at target you can find a piplup doll in the Pokemon section. If you are asking 'Where can you find a Piplup in the Pokemon game?' you need the ds games Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, or Platinum.
You cannot catch Piplup in any game.
Piplup is a starter Pokémon so it cannot be caught.
You can't. You'll either have to choose turtwig or piplup as your starter, or trade for them via wi-fi.
you cant catch piplup on Pokemon platinumif you want to get it you have to: · use ar cheat·start the game again so he could be your starter Pokemon·trade
in the begining of the game the profeser will give you three Pokemon and you have to pick one the three Pokemon are chimchar,piplup and turtwig.
U can't catch prinplup u only can evolve it from piplup and to get piplup is to cheat or at the start of the game u choose piplup as the starter hope this helped :)
Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.
Chimchar, piplup, and turtwig.
You can't catch a piplup in soulsilver
you get piplup as a starter in Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum
turtwig,chimchar,and piplup