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If you chose Chimchar, use chimchar If you chose Turtwig, catch a starly and train it If you chose Piplup, use piplup's peck but if that doesn't work, catch a starly and train it.

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Q: What is the easiest way to beat Gym Leader Gardenia in Pokemon Platinum?
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Where is the 2nd gym leader in Pokemon platinum?

Gym leader Gardenia is in Eterna City. Pokemon: Turtwig- Lv20 Cherrim- Lv20 Roserade- Lv22

Where is the 2nd gym leader in Platinum?

The second gym is in Eterna City. The gym leader is Gardenia, who specializes in Grass-type Pokemon.

Is gardenia the first gym leader that people verse verse?

No, the first leader is Roark, the Rock-type Pokemon gym leader in Oreburgh City. Gardenia is the Grass-type Pokemon in Eterna City, whom you challenge second.

Who is the second gym leader in Pokemon pearl?

gardenia - grass type

Where is the second gym badge in Pokemon platinum?

In Eterna City, with the leader Gardenia, who wields grass Pokemon. She has a level 19 Cherubi, a level 19 Turtwig, and a level 22 Roserade. You get the ability to use Cut and TM 80.

Where is the 2nd gym leader in Pokemon pearl?

gardenia is in eterna city, near the bottom.

Who is the fifth gym leader in Pokemon Platinum?

The fifth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is crasher wake but you get the fourth badge.

Who is Gardenia in Pokemon Pearl?

gardenia is the grass gym leader of eterna city u can see her at the haunted house but u must beat her in a gym battle

What is room leader in Pokemon platinum?

Do you mean a gym leader?

What trainer has a Turtwig in Pokemon Platinum?

Route 201 Pokemon trainer Barry Route 203 Pokemon trainer Barry Jubilife City Pokemon trainer Lucas Jubilife City Pokemon trainer Dawn (If you chose Piplup) Eterna city gym Gym leader Gardenia Hope I helped!!!! :D

How do you find the 2 gym leader in Pokemon platinum version?

You have to go in the mind close to the 2 gym. wrong!! you have to go to Eterna forest and Gardenia is in front of the little trees you can cut down when you have or get HM 01 cut .

Where is the water gym leader in Pokemon platinum?

The water Pokemon gym leader is in Pastoria City.