in the begining of the game the profeser will give you three Pokemon and you have to pick one the three Pokemon are chimchar,piplup and turtwig.
You get a Chimchar if you want it as your 1st Pokemon
You can get a Chimchar if you trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
You cannot catch Chimchar in the wild in Pokemon Pearl. You can only get chimchar either at the beginning of the game, or breeding a chimcharm, infernape, or monferno. Otherwise, you need an Action Replay to catch a chimchar in the wild.
If you chose Chimchar, use chimchar If you chose Turtwig, catch a starly and train it If you chose Piplup, use piplup's peck but if that doesn't work, catch a starly and train it.
Poketransfer from Pearl Diamond or Platinum
Im sorry but you can not catch or receive chimchar but you can trade from Pokemon diamond pearl or platinum again I'm sorry you can't catch him
You can't catch chimchar in platinum.
start with a chimchar. This is a stupid question catch a starly and evolve him
You cannot get Chimchar, Monferno, or Infernape anywhere in HeartGold or SoulSilver. You will have to trade over a Chimchar from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
You have to choose it as a starter
You get a Chimchar if you want it as your 1st Pokemon
it's easy all you need is two ds one Pokemon platinum and one Pokemon soul silver or heart start Pokemon platinum and you chouse chimchar catch another Pokemon in the game and go to the Pokemon center.another way is to put infernap to day care with a ditto and get an egg.
You can get a Chimchar if you trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
Nowhere, because Chimchar isn't in the game at all. It wasn't introduced until the 4th generation games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum).
Pick him as your starter
You can't. However, Chimchar can be found in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup.