First walk up to the water you want to fish in, then go into your bag and click on the fishing rod, after that click on use, then it will go back to the normal screen and when an exclamation mark appears above your head click A as fast as possible. Hope I helped.
You can see and catch a barboach in route 210. You must have defog, good rod, and surf to see him also to catch him so that's where you find him!
The Pokemon are Finneon and lumineon. Here is how to see them/catch them. Finneon: You can catch a finneon easily with a good rod in the water at the valley windworks. Lumineon:There is a female trainer in the water on the way to victory road that has a Lumineon if you battle her! ************************************************************************* Hope this helped...
Well You catch Magikarp, Goldeen, Finneon, Psyduck.
to get a lumineon, catch a finneon lv.16-19 in valley windy works using a good rod and evolve it on lv.31
Route 226 with the Good Rod.
in mount cornet with a good rod
Serebii.Net is the best Pokemon site you will find.
at the elite four using the good rod
Fish with a Good Rod in Canalave City or Iron Island.
Anywhere but what i would recemend best in near fight area
To catch a shiny Machoke in pokemon diamond u go to any place where you can find them keep on knocking them out and u will eventually run into one after a good load of patience
There is no cure, but Pokerus is good! Don't get scared or worried for your Pokemon, it will actually do them good. If your other Pokemon catch it, even better! It only lasts for a day and it raises one of the STATS by heaps!
The good rod can be obtained by talking to the fisherman on route 209. You need a fishing rod to catch pokemon like Feebas and Magikarp.
Yes. you can find that trainer on route 223. You can catch it with a good rod on route 219.
If you mean the safari area then i would say areas 6 4 and 2
You can see and catch a barboach in route 210. You must have defog, good rod, and surf to see him also to catch him so that's where you find him!