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I'm not sure but I think you have to complete the game and go to mystery girt and it will say Mewtwo returns click on it and there will be a guy that's wearing blue and he will give you a lv70 mewtwo im not 100% sure

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Q: How do you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Black and White?
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How do you get Mewtwo in Pokemon Black and White?

it is not one of the ancients you can catch

Can you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon white?

No but you can transfer from Leafgreen,Firered to HeartGold,SoulSilver then trade to Black,White!

Can you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Black?

if you have the action replay

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How do you catch Mewtwo to Pokemon white version?

Throw a Master Ball at it.

How do you get mew on Pokemon black and white and heartgold soulsilve?

You can't, but you can catch Mewtwo at the end if Cerulien (Don't know if i spelt this right) Cave.

How do you catch Mewtwo in pokemon white?

Sorry but you cant catch iyt on pokemon black or white, but i have a lvl 94 Mewtwo that knows Recover Psychic thunderbolt and earthquake. if you have a lvl 60 or above reshiram i am happy to trade you. Friend code is 3525 6676 8441and my name is Ash hope i helped :D

Can you catch Rufflet in Pokemon Black?

No, it is exclusive to Pokemon White. Where you would catch Rufflet in White, you catch Vullaby in Black.

What legendary pokemon can you catch in Pokemon Black but not white?

In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself

How do you catch Abra in Pokemon Black and White?

You can't catch it in Black, but you can catch it in White. In the White Forest.

Can you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Silver?

No you can't catch Mewtwo in Pokemon silver, you must trade it from Pokemon yellow.

Can you get Mewtwo in Pokemon black?

PokeTransfer it from another game. You can't catch it in those games.