u just need to find it in the honey trees ... and then use fly or rock Pokemon to lower his HP.... after that just use a pokeball; greatball; ultraball. i still try to find it because its very hard to find.... i know this because i know alot about it :)
You can catch heracrosses by headbutting trees. But in order to have a powerful heracross your going to have to do some training. sorry.
Heracross is in the Safari Zone. Use an Acro Bike to get across the poles (white lines) and go North. The areas there hold Heracross (they are rare and hard to catch so beware).
you have a chance to get them when you use honey on honey trees.
on orange trees with honey after a day go to that tree and you have 30% chance to catch it!!
You have to put honey on a tree and wait a certain time.
you cant catch heracross in firered, you have to trade it from ruby,sapphire,or emerald You CAN catch Heracross in the Sixth Sevii Island after beating the Elite Four.
Put honey on honey trees and there is a 5% chance of finding Heracross.
Yes. You can catch wild heracross on Route 12 in the grass.
You can catch him by headbutting trees.
You can catch heracrosses by headbutting trees. But in order to have a powerful heracross your going to have to do some training. sorry.
Heracross is in the Safari Zone. Use an Acro Bike to get across the poles (white lines) and go North. The areas there hold Heracross (they are rare and hard to catch so beware).
Yes, youc an catch Heracross. Heracross can be found by trading for it or by headbutting trees. Try the trees to the left of your home for a good chance to find one. It comes as a female or a male.
U put lots of honey on a tree and if ur lucky,u'll find a heracross.
Get some quick balls, timer balls, and ultra balls. Make sure you have a Pokemon not to high of a level so it doesn't kill the heracross, and make sure you do not attack it with a flying type move.
Stick honey on a tree,wait,repeat if not heracross.
smear honey on a honey tree
you have a chance to get them when you use honey on honey trees.