Never in any Pokemon game can you catch a starter but hold on if you migrate a blastoise and charizard from firered or leafgreen to soul silver and then go to the pal park you can catch it.
your starter Pokemon can handle it if they are blastoise, charizard or venusaur.
blastoise hydro pump owns and so does bubble beam charizard heat wave owns with flying and dragon rage venasaur solarbeam owns and it has sleep powder that sleeps they're all good
You can't catch charizard in Pokemon soul silver. You can get a charmander from professor oak.
well i have all of them charizard is the best then dragonite, tyranitar, alakazam and the weakest blastiose. PS. GO CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you pick a squirtle from the Pokemon proffeser oak gives you to choose from
Pikachu, Lapras, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Espeon.
In heartgold and soulsilver, Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Lapras, & SnorlaxIn Gold/Silver he has.Pikachu (lvl81)Espeon (lvl73)Snorlax (lvl75)Venusaur (lvl77)Charizard (lvl77)Blastoise (lvl77)In HeartGold/SoulSilver he has.Pikachu (lvl88)Lapras (lvl80)Snorlax (lvl82)Venusaur (lvl84)Charizard (lvl84)Blastoise (lvl84)Good Luck!
Charizard isn't wild
he has a pickachu, a lapras, blastoise, charizard, venesaur, and snorlax.
Yes after you Beat Red who has a Pikachu Blastoise Lapras Snorlax Charizard and Venusaur in that order
No, you cannot catch a Charizard in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
charizard cant be catch in black or can be transfer from other games like heartgold or soulsilver. you can also trade it by wifi
In this case, Blastoise is the best. Charizard has a better advantage against Venusaur because Charizard is a Fire Type and Venusaur is a Grass Type. Still, he has no chance against Blastoise because he is a Fire Type and Blastoise is a Water Type, so overall, Blastoise is the best.
In Heartgold and Soulsilver, Red is Ash Ketchum(also you can find him on the top of Mt. Silver. He has Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Laprus, and (I am not sure on the last one, but I think it is either Gyrados or Dragonite). It is Snorlax.
At the VERY top of Mt. Silver. Be warry; his Pokemon are in their 80's: (in random order): Pikachu Lapras Snorlax Charizard Venasaur Blastoise
You can't catch Charizard in Diamond. You'll have to migrate or trade Charizard to get it in Diamond. You can have a Charizard in FireRed/LeafGreen and HeartGold/SoulSilver and X/Y, if you evolve Charmeleon. To get Charmeleon, you need to evolve Charmander or in X/Y you can find it at the Friend Safari. In FireRed/LeafGreen Charmander is a Starter from prof. Oak and in HeartGold/SoulSilver you can get it as reward from prof. Oak for defeating Red.