blastoise hydro pump owns and so does bubble beam charizard heat wave owns with flying and dragon rage venasaur solarbeam owns and it has sleep powder that sleeps they're all good
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Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
LevelMatchPasswords16All vs BermudaN/A15All vs NetherlandsCRICKET14All vs CanadaFOOTBALL13All vs ScotlandSPEEDWAY12All vs KenyaBASEBALL11All vs IrelandDAGGY10All vs ZimbabveDINGO9All vs BangladeshCARTMAN8All vs West IndiesCLASSIC7All vs Sri LankaMICKEY6All vs PakistanMCBEAR5All vs New ZealandROCKET4All vs EnglandBGARK3All vs AustraliaMONKEY2All vs IndiaBEEFY1All vs South AfricaTUGGA
there is no vs. seeker in the originals there is no vs. seeker in the originals
I find that a very good training spot is near the two running black belts on One Island. Use the VS Seeker to rebattle the three trainers there. They have a Machop, Machoke or Machamp with varying levels depending on your stats. Once you defeat them, run into the Ember Spa, heal, and come back out. This is about 120 steps, just enough to charge your VS Seeker again. I used this method to evolve my Dragonite, Tyranitar, Kabutops, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and I got my Articuno, Mewtwo and Charizard to level 100 this way. A tip would also to register your VS Seeker and use the Running Shoes (hold B) to run back into the spa. It's quicker than getting on your bike.
Hidden teams:Click on the commentator's nose (the person on screen after every over) to unlock more teams.Next level:If you want to register, you can but you do not have to. Type MICKEY into the "World Domination" box. You will then be on the next level.Old player mode:If you get out for zero on the first ball, click on the duck. By doing this you will go into a mode with all old players.World Domination passwords:StatusPassword vs. Netherlands CRICKET vs. Canada FOOTBALL vs. Scotland SPEEDWAY vs. Kenya BASEBALL vs. Zimbabve DAGGY vs. Ireland DINGOvs. Bangladesh CARTMAN vs. West Indies CLASSIC vs. England MICKEY vs. India MC BEAR vs. Pakistan ROCKET vs. Sri Lanka BGARK vs. New Zealand MONKEY vs. South Africa BEEFY vs. Australia TUGGAHint: Keep reputation in Multi-player mode:To quit Multi-player mode without losing your reputation, click the "X" in the bottom right corner.
Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
I would recommend a Ground type, Electric type, Fire type, Psychic type, Fighting type, and Dragon type (optional). For instance: Ground - Takes care of Pikachu. Electric - Takes care of Charizard. (Rock can be used too). Dragon - Can be extremely effective vs Blastoise. (Or use electric). Fire - Takes care of Venasaur. Psychic - Takes care of Venasaur. Fighting - Takes care of Snorlax There is another pokemon, but i believe using a dragon type would sweep him easily.
charizard because he can use flamethrower and do size bin toss and the winner is charizard
Me i'd level up to about 40 for all of them and then vs the 5th gym
the Experience share( or Exp. share), gives half the exp. points won in a battle to a pokemon. Example: Torterra and Nidoking are in a team. The battle is torterra vs blastoise, and nidoking is holding Exp. share. torterra beats blastoise, and instead of getting all the points(say 200), torterra splits with nidoking, so they both get half(100).
its an okay team, but try replacing graveler with a fire type like arcanine, ok? that might help your team! oh and a good training spot is left from celadon where the bikers are. they are good for training and use the vs seeker to battle them again! if a Pokemon faints just go right into celadon city Pokemon center, with gives enough steps to fill the vs seeker! I hope I was helpful! :)
LevelMatchPasswords16All vs BermudaN/A15All vs NetherlandsCRICKET14All vs CanadaFOOTBALL13All vs ScotlandSPEEDWAY12All vs KenyaBASEBALL11All vs IrelandDAGGY10All vs ZimbabveDINGO9All vs BangladeshCARTMAN8All vs West IndiesCLASSIC7All vs Sri LankaMICKEY6All vs PakistanMCBEAR5All vs New ZealandROCKET4All vs EnglandBGARK3All vs AustraliaMONKEY2All vs IndiaBEEFY1All vs South AfricaTUGGA
pinhead from hellraiser
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