I find that a very good training spot is near the two running black belts on One Island. Use the VS Seeker to rebattle the three trainers there. They have a Machop, Machoke or Machamp with varying levels depending on your stats. Once you defeat them, run into the Ember Spa, heal, and come back out. This is about 120 steps, just enough to charge your VS Seeker again. I used this method to evolve my Dragonite, Tyranitar, Kabutops, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and I got my Articuno, Mewtwo and Charizard to level 100 this way. A tip would also to register your VS Seeker and use the Running Shoes (hold B) to run back into the spa. It's quicker than getting on your bike.
There are a lot of flying type Pokemon you can catch in leafgreen here are some good flying type Pokemon you should train remember you don't have to train these: Pidgeot, Fearow, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Gyrados, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Farefetch'd.
it is go use the bathroom good luck.
MoltresZapdosArticunoPidgeotHo-oh (special event)charizard
There really isn't anywhere is Saffron to "train" but if you go to the left of the city and go through the building with the cop there is patches of grass you can practice with your Pokemon ok the wild Pokemon that thrive there...then when your done..you can just go back and challenge the gym leader of Saffron..the leader is Sabrina: Master of Phsycic Pokemon.
Dude, you need a link cable, and another copy of Leaf Green or Fire Red. The go to the Pokemon center, go to the union room, and when you're both in, trade! Then Machamp will be yours. This is the only way to get it in Green/Red. But Machamp isn't good anyway. Get a Dratini from the game corner and train it so it'll evolve into Dragonite!
There are a lot of flying type Pokemon you can catch in leafgreen here are some good flying type Pokemon you should train remember you don't have to train these: Pidgeot, Fearow, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Gyrados, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Farefetch'd.
it is go use the bathroom good luck.
(this is my opinion) Pokemon emerald, Pokemon leaf green, Pokemon ruby, and Pokemon sapphire.
krabby,goldeen(in fustra something city) Pokemon leaf green :) and I forget. :(
Be more good at grammer. Psyduck can be found in Pokemon Leaf Green.
MoltresZapdosArticunoPidgeotHo-oh (special event)charizard
Victory Road, just before the Elite 4. i don't recommend going there because tons of wild Pokemon pop up, and there arnt that many trainers. sometimes i train my 40's on 3island
Pokemon leaf green Pokemon fire red sword of mana castlevania megaman
There really isn't anywhere is Saffron to "train" but if you go to the left of the city and go through the building with the cop there is patches of grass you can practice with your Pokemon ok the wild Pokemon that thrive there...then when your done..you can just go back and challenge the gym leader of Saffron..the leader is Sabrina: Master of Phsycic Pokemon.
Not really. Game wise they have poor stats and can only use hidden power. There are much better Pokemon out there.
if this is for leaf green i think no Pokemon are on 7 islands but islands 8 and 9 there are lugia and ho oh good luck
by the color red mean fire red green mean leaf green is not that then try try and play if you cant get syther then you know its leaf green good way to check this is go to the coin shop and try to by one if not in there for coins you got a leaf green game