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First: You must have a pikachu (if you choose to do it with ditto, or two pikachus of the opposite gender) and a light ball. Light balls can be obtained by catching a pikachu holding one. You can find a Pikachu holding one about 5% of the time (good luck). If you were lucky enough to get one, have your pikachu hold it when you put it in the day care (or one of them - doesn't matter which) and - Ta-da! - you'll have a pichu that knows volt tackle (volt tackle will replace the normally learned thunder shock). It'll be male/female about 50% of the time. Have fun.

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Q: How do you breed a male Pichu with volt tackle?
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How do you get a shiny Pichu with volt tackle on ruby?

i dont know just breed pikachu to get volt tackle and pichu

How does Pichu learn volt tackle?

Pichu learns Volt Tackle by attaching a Light Ball to a female Pikachu or Raichu and breeding it with a male compatible in order to hatch a Pichu that knows Volt Tackle or you could opt to attach a Light Ball to either gender and use Ditto in order to breed them so that a Pichu Egg will be created that will know Volt Tackle however this is only possible in Pok

Where do you get volt tackle?

If you breed two Pikachu, one holding a Light Ball, the resulting Pichu will have Volt Tackle as a move.

How do you get Raichu to learn volt tackle?

it cant give pikachu a light ball and breed and the pichu will know volt tackle

What level does pikachu learn volt tackle in soul silver?

Volt Tackle is an egg move exclusive to Picju and its evolution family. To get a Pichu with Volt Tackle, breed a Pichu and give one of its parents a light ball.

When does pickachu learn volt tackle on soulsilver?

Pikachu can only learn Volt Tackle if you breed a Pikachu holding a Light Ball. The Pichu you get from the egg will have Volt Tackle.

What level does Zapdos learn volt tackle?

Volt Tackle is an egg move that only a pichu can learn... srry. ^_^If you want a Pokemon with volt tackle breed a female pikachu with a light orb with any compatible Pokemon the pichu should know volt tackle .

With which Pikachu should you place the light ball to get volt tackle?

Any Pikachu I Used A Male One To Get Pichu With Volt Tackle, But You Can Get Volt Tackle With A Female.

How do you get a shiny Pichu with volt tackle?

Breed a female pikachu that is holding a light ball, and a ditto at the daycare center. Then if you are really lucky, a shiny pichu with volt tackle will hatch out of the egg.

Where is the TM volt tackle?

you have to catch a pikachu with holding a yellow orb and breed it into the pichu.

Pikachu learning volt tackle?

Pikachu can't learn Volt Tackle only Pichu can and here's how: Breed a Pikachu and Raichu of opposite genders and make sure the male Pokemon holds the item LIGHT BALL once you hatch your Pichu it should have the move Volt Tackle now you can train it and evolve it to a Pikachu and it will still keep Volt Tackle as long as you don't get rid of it then you can evolve Pikachu via Thunderstone and it will be a Raichu still with Volt Tackle!

At what level does Raichu learn volt tackle?

It doesn't. give pikachu or raichu a light ball breed and the baby pichu will know volt tackle