Leafeon cannot be bred. Because Leafeon is an evolved Pokemon, it cannot hatch from an egg. Only its previous evolution, Eevee, can be hatched from an egg.
Yes! There both evolved from Eevee. So any Eeveevolutions can breed.
Get a ditto and a leafeon and you will breed eevees. Then evolve them with a leaf stone. You can breed eevees with any evolved forms. It is not possible to hatch eggs as leafeons.
To evolve your Evee into Leafeon, get a leaf stone, and use it on Evee, and it will evolve into Leafeon! Have fun with Leafeon! -Garrett
Leafeon is a girl, in my opinion.
It can breed with anything.
yes, But you carnt. it finds you too ugly.
Yes! There both evolved from Eevee. So any Eeveevolutions can breed.
Get a ditto and a leafeon and you will breed eevees. Then evolve them with a leaf stone. You can breed eevees with any evolved forms. It is not possible to hatch eggs as leafeons.
I have a lv 100 leafeon
You cannot evolve Leafeon.
To evolve your Evee into Leafeon, get a leaf stone, and use it on Evee, and it will evolve into Leafeon! Have fun with Leafeon! -Garrett
No. You need to get an eevee, then breed it, then do other suff to them to evolve them differently.
get another houndoom or houndoor and leave them both at the day care. I do this all the time with my leafeon and flareon and get lots of eevees.
Leafeon is a girl, in my opinion.
you can evolve evee to leafeon by taking leafeon to a stone in the forest by the second gym leader.