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obtain the odd incense and then breed mr.mime but it all on bulbapedia really XD

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Q: How do you breed Mr. mime to get mime Jr. in Pokemon soul silver?
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What happens when you show copycat a mime jr in Pokemon soul silver?

nothing really happens when you show her a mime jr.

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What legendary Pokemon can you breed on Pokemon Soul Silver?

the only legendary that you can breed is manaphy. and that will result in a phione.

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Yes, Beldum can breed but it can only breed with Ditto.

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manaphy; rotom

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You can't breed legendary Pokemon eggs on Pokemon SoulSilver or on any Pokemon game.

Where do you catch a mime JR on soul silver?

you cant only mime

Can you breed legendaries in Pokemon Soul Silver such as Suicune?

No, you cannot breed Legendaries with the exception of Manaphy.

What Pokemon can lay an egg in Pokemon soul silver?

any pokemon except legendarys. there are categorys of witch pokemon can breed with other pokemon but all can breed with ditto :)

Can Darkrai lay eggs on soul silver?

No legandary pokemon can't breed

What is the action replay code for Pokemon soul silver how to breed legendaries?

There isn't a way.