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i am pretty sure the answer is no there is not

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Q: What is the action replay code to enable you to breed legendary Pokemon in the daycare in Pokemon soul silver?
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How do you enable legendary Pokemon codes?

go to the ruins beat the two people the boss but you should use master ball to capture palkia

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How do you get 100 masterballs in Pokemon emerald without action replay?

Use a game shark or play via an emulator and enable a cheat.

How do you get a shiny victini?

You can get a shiny victini by using the action replay's Pokemon modifier by selecting him from a list of Pokemon names and then you enable the shiny wild Pokemon code. And you can choose your own level from the level modifier.

Enable code for Pokemon Pearl?

enable code?

How can you find legendary Pokemon easier in Pokemon deluge?

First you need to finish all leagues and gyms including the elite 4. Then look at ur pokedex to find where the Pokemon u want is. Then go to it and enable keyboard moving. Then us WASD keys. Skip 2 letters and press it 4 times or more. And then walk any times you like. Then a legendary might appear. This always happens to me. Especially Reshiramu and Terakkion, the new legendary pokemons are easy to get. But some times this don't work.

What are the Xploder codes for the Deoxys in Pokemon?

Type in this Master Code and enable it:0000B138000A 1003A82A0007Then type in and enable this:83007D22019ADeoxys should be the next wild Pokemon you encounter.

How do you get the action replay code for Arceus?

the UK/ EU action replay code for arceus on soul silver is 52247D8C 582000C0 12247D8A 00004801 02247D8C E0021C39 02247D90 000001ED D2000000 00000000 enable the code and run around in an area a Pokemon would appear and it will be him. after you get him be sure to enable the code or you will just keep finding arceus' hope it helped (:

What is the difference between Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Ruby v1.1?

v1.1 is Cheat Enable One

How enable live battle on Pokemon deluge?

fis boy

Pokemon Diamond action replay code for no wild Pokemon?

OK, This is the code for Pokemon diamond 95829870 98730485 80645894 79645231 64512546 45464189 89567531 46532146 R+B=enable cheat L+B=Disable cheat Happy Cheating! BTW this is my code and this is for North America! I tested it and it works perfectly

Pokemon modifier for Pokemon Diamond?

Action Replay: You must have the modifier cheat and then select it and start the game. Then Look in your bag youll have 493 master balls. Look in the pokedex (national) for the number of the Pokemon you want. and toss the master balls until you get the number of the Pokemon in master balls. Then hold L as you go into the tall grass and the Pokemon you want will attack you! R4: All you have to do is the same thing as the action replay except you enable the cheat on the r4 menu instead.