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Empoleon is quite hard to use against an electric type. Your best opyion is to raise a Ground Type to usw against the gym, because Electric moves can't hit a ground type

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15y ago

Empoleon may be able to learn ground moves such as earthquake try that to beat the leader.

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Q: How do you beat the sunny shore gym leader with Empoleon?
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After you beat Volkner,talk to Jasmine on the beach

Where do you get waterfall on Pokemon Pearl?

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Could you use an Empoleon for the 8 gym leader in platinum?

you probably could use one if its strong enough but... it wouldn't be the best way to beat faulkner so try to use gravaler or other ground type Pokemon instead of Empoleon

Who is better torterra or empoleon?

Empoleon is way better. It is so fun to have a Empoleon on your team because these Pokemon are super proud and strong. The key to winning using Empoleon is to befreind it. I beat six gym leaders only using one Empoleon!!!! Go Empoleon!!!!:)

In pokemon diamond how do you get to sunny shore city?

You have to beat team galactic at the sphere pillar. After that, the guy who won't let you go past him at the resort will be gone.

How do you beat Elite 4 with Empoleon in Pokemon Pearl?

with your pokemons

Is it easy to beat sunnyshore gym leader with empolion?

First of all what is a empolion and if ur meant empoleon then no it is not easy actually it CAN be easy with an empoleon. i have one and i beatit!! what i did was pure luck though XP. in platinum i changed my tactics..... What i did was i MAJORLY leveled up a couple woopers that knew mud shot and mud bomb.(got the woopers in safari zone) electric attacks dont affect them so YAY!!!! then i challenged the gym and before i knew it i beat the leader!!

In Pokemon diamond Sinnoh pokedex where and what is number 46?

Wormadam.Evolve from Burmy.go get dialga then go to sunny shore city and beat the elite 4and then you only need the evolvence of finneon

How can you beat Empoleon in a battle against a fire Pokemon?

Assuming your fire Pokémon is not Reshiram, it is weak to Water. However, Fire is neutral to the Water/Steel Empoleon.

Which Pokemon is better Infernape or Empolean?

empoleon, because empoleon is a water type and steel type, it can do flying types and ice types,empoleon can beat infernape with water and flying type moves.empoleon can beat torterra with flying,ice, and water type moves

Which trainer have empoleon in Pokemon diamond?

There's a trainer in route 205 that has a piplup. After you beat the elite four i think you'll have to rematch using your vs seeker and he should have an empoleon