The best move set for empoleon is
drill peck
hydro cannon
shadow claw
Item=mystic water
I've used tis moveset to beat the E4 with only empoleon with no heals or assistance!
Empoleon cannot learn the move Aqua Blade. This is primarily due to there being no move called Aqua Blade currently in Pokemon.
hydro cannon
Empoleon is not able to learn the HM move Fly. Typically only Flying type Pokemon can learn the move Fly with only a small handful being the exception. And most of those exceptions have the ability Levitate.
Drill Peck is not a TM, but if you want this move, start with a piplup and your empoleon can learn it.
Best move set: Aurasphere, Air Slash , Sky Uppercut and Fly
empoleon's best move is probably bubblebeam on drill peck
I only the best one for Empoleon that's hydro cannon
Empoleon learn's it around the 70
Hydro pump. , search for Empoleon's page and there are all of his learnable moves.
Empoleon cannot learn the move Aqua Blade. This is primarily due to there being no move called Aqua Blade currently in Pokemon.
you have to have the move tutor teach it
Hydro Pump I think
hydro cannon
Empoleon is the best!
speed wing a really powerful move