i don't know but once you beat it 20 times you can fight proffessor rowan. he has lvl 100 torterra, infernape and empoleon. then your mom will give you every Pokemon you don't have.
Then you beat them 100 times and win :)
Well,Level 70-100 Is A Good Level To Beat The Elite 4.
No, you can just train your Pokemon against wild Pokemon to level up. But it's a little quicker going against the elite 4 cos their Pokemon are higher level than wild Pokemon.
You get a legendary pokemon, to level 100 (trade it).
you must beat elite four 3 times and then you will go to the space center with sorlock in your first 6 pkmn. good luck from Greece
Then you beat them 100 times and win :)
You win a million dollars!
Then you beat them:)
* you get MEW
If you beat the elite four 100 times you don't go to heaven but you do get to join the elite four. They get harder and you can fight them whenever you want. You also fight trainers with level 100 Pokemon and you still get exp points.
It doesn't matter how many times you beat the elite four, celebi is not going to just appear.
Yes, yes you do.
you beat it 12 times with all level 100 dittos good luck i did it it works
you can get to the honne region after you beat the elite 4 100 times
No mystery event only sorry...
after you beat the elite 4 a few times.
whoever told you that if you beat the Elite Four10 times was a liar. Those are just annoying things that are total wastes of time because Itried it and it didnt work.