just go and beat it!
you need a fire or flying type Pokemon to beat that gym b/c if you started out with piplup or turtwig you might have trouble. you can catch ponyta or starly and train them to at least lv 17 make sure your ponyta knows ember it makes life easy.
go to hearthome city
Train it so it can have resistants
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum
The second gym is located in Eterna City and uses Grass-type pokemon.
YES you get one in the Pokemon mansion and you get another one somewhere else
go to hearthome city
Train it so it can have resistants
The second gym is in Eterna City. The gym leader is Gardenia, who specializes in Grass-type Pokemon.
You have to beat the game first.
You find 152(Rotom) at the old Chateau on the second level in the second room. Hope this helps:)
What you do is, you got to any Pokemon center. Got to the second floor and trade with a friend that has it in diamond, pearl, or platinum.
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum
To use cut outside of battle in Pokemon gold version you need the second badge from Azalea Town from the gym leader Bugsy.
There isn't a second set of starters.
you go through the route where Valley Windworks is and go through the Eterna Woods and you will be in the city where the second gym is.