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Train it so it can have resistants

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Q: How do you defeat the second gym leader in Pokemon platinum using LUXIO?
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How do you defeat the second gym leader?

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What do you do after you beat the second gym leader on Pokemon platinum version?

go to hearthome city

Where is the 2nd gym leader in Platinum?

The second gym is in Eterna City. The gym leader is Gardenia, who specializes in Grass-type Pokemon.

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get Pokemon to level 20 then go to the Pokemon center heal your Pokemon the it will learn cut after you defeat the second gym leader

Where can you find the second gym in Pokemon Platinum?

where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum

What should your second Pokemon be in emerald?

doesn't matter. If you train your Pokemon to an high enough level you will be able to defeat the gym leader. I think the best STARTER Pokemon is fire-type.

How do you get the second set of starter Pokemon on Pokemon platinum?

There isn't a second set of starters.

How do you get to the second gym leader in Pokemon platinum?

you go through the route where Valley Windworks is and go through the Eterna Woods and you will be in the city where the second gym is.

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How to get second badge in Sinnoh platinum?

Beat the gym leader.

In Pokemon platinum verson How do you defeat gardina?

If you mean Gardenia, the second gym leader, you should attack with Pokemon such as ponyta and monferno, staravia, ect and use moves like ember, flame wheel, wing attack, ect, basically flying and fire type moves. Alternatively, use Pokemon with poison type moves, however at this point in the game there aren't many.