On the second floor on victory road there is a veteran clayten and his second pokemon is a level 47 licky licky
Go to the route that takes you to Veilstone City and find a Lickatung. Then teach it rollout and there you go.
your moms room ;)
on platinum, you see Manaphy in Mr.backlots Pokemon mansion
battle trainers or catch the Pokemon
in an egg
a trainer in victory road has one
you have to evolve lickitung to get lickylicky
in victory road
you cant you have to level up lickitung to level 33 (when it learns rollout). sorry for any inconvenience
On victory road,a veteran will have one
You cannot unless you previously get a Lickitung. You can evolve Lickitung by teaching it Rollout at lvl 33, and leveling it up again at level 34.
I don't know... Try getting a lickitung yourself and evolve it at level 33. Voila, you have a lickylicky. and speaking of Lickitung, how do you get one other than in Lake Valor?
lickylicky the pink fat dude who has a massive tongue
Go to the route that takes you to Veilstone City and find a Lickatung. Then teach it rollout and there you go.
one is on victory road.
catch lickytung and raise it to level 33 teach it rollout and lickytung evolove in lickylicky. NOTE:if you dont teach lickytung rollout you fail catch another lickytung and you must teach it rollout
in the middle of victory road, where you have to use rock smash and strength, and where the bike slopes are there will b an old man with 2 or 3 pokemon, one's a lickylicky