

Best Answer

The Pokemon Id Recomend Using:

Your starter , Evolved evee , Moltres (If you've caught it!) , And Arcanine

Then use whatever Pokemon you want

Train your Pokemon to at least lvl 60. (Id Recomend Higher!!!)

And Buy Alot Of PP Ups , Potions , Revives etc..

(It Costs Alot But The Elite Four Pay You After You Beat Them!)

lol i did it with moltres,zapdos,,arcanine,charizard,evolved evee and snorlax... highest lvl55

DIFFERENT ANSWER---->no cheats, i use emulator on my DROID.

I beat all the elite 4 and Rival with only a Charizard and Zapados. ( I did have to use 1 move with my lvl 25 Lapras just to revive cause my other 2 died)

Charizard (70-72, evolved along the way)

Blast Burn




Zapados (51-54, evolved along the way)

Thunder Wave


..The only 2 i used.

I also went through 9 max potions (about 15 recommended) and 4 revives (10 recommended)

Have a strong fighting type, electric type, ice type, psychic type, ghost type and water type.
1. First make sure your starter Pokemon is over lvl. 65. Also, make sure that you have all your other Pokemon over lvl. 55. It would be good to have a very strong Pokemon; Dragonite, Genger, a Legendary Bird, etc.

2. Make sure that your party Pokemon are from different types, or at least know different types of moves. The elite four are made up of Lorelei (Ice), Bruno (Fighting), Agetha (Ghost), and Lance (Dragon). So make sure you have a fire Pokemon for Lorelei, a flying Pokemon for Bruno, a ghost/dark Pokemon for Agetha, and a dragon Pokemon for Lance. The rest of your Pokemon should just be strong.

3. At the item shop, buy as many full restores, max potions, max revives, etc. as possible.

4. Save your game before each battle, if the battle doesn't go well, restart your game. When you get a victory that didn't result in too much damage or use of P.P. save your game. Repeat until you beat the Elite Four!

Note: Unlike Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, you do not fight your rival after defeating Lance.

Hope it hellps!
The first thing you have to do is get all your Pokemon to level 60
you need strong pokemon. For lance I used the lapras you get from the silph co guy. I taught it physic and then i trained it on the giant hill where you have to use your bike. Then I used lapras to defeat blaine, and giovanni, putting it to lv 46-47. With all that I taught it Blizzard, and it already had hydropump, rain dance, and (after i beat the 8th gym) earthquake. With those moves I easily took out most of the first elites pokemon, the 3rd, and lance.
The Pokemon i always use to beat the elite four are charizard,mewtwo,tyranitar,zapdos,alakazam, and suicune.

Lorelei=charizard for jynx and piloswine, and zapdos' thunder for the rest

Bruno=charizard for onix and steelix, and zapdos with drillpeck with the rest

Agatha=mewtwo or alakazam(you choose) for all of them

Lance=Zapdos for gyarados and aerodactyl,alakazam or mewtwo for the dragonites,

Gary=Zapdos for pidgeot,mewtwofor rydhon,zapdos with alakazam,charizard for execotur,zapdos with blastoise

that's how i usually beat it the first time and the rest of the times

i have beat the elite four 120 times and got my Pokemon to all lvl 100 with 300 hours of gameplay.

hope this helped
The Pokemon i always use to beat the elite four are charizard,mewtwo,tyranitar,zapdos,alakazam, and suicune.

Lorelei=charizard for jynx and piloswine, and zapdos' thunder for the rest

Bruno=charizard for onix and steelix, and zapdos with drillpeck with the rest

Agatha=mewtwo or alakazam(you choose) for all of them

Lance=Zapdos for gyarados and aerodactyl,alakazam or mewtwo for the dragonites,

Gary=Zapdos for pidgeot,mewtwofor rydhon,zapdos with alakazam,charizard for execotur,zapdos with blastoise

that's how i usually beat it the first time and the rest of the times

i have beat the elite four 120 times and got my Pokemon to all lvl 100 with 300 hours of gameplay.

hope this helped

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