1) You meet with G and talk to the crab.
2) When it leaves follow it to the wilderness of club penguin.
3) Follow the crab to the cave hide out.
4) Go back and look for O Berries and cut it with the scissors.
5) Give it to the puffle from the second mission.
6) Bring it to the cave hide out.
7) Throw the O Berry in the pet door and the black puffle will open it for you.
8) Listen to herbert bears flip chart amd wait for him to leave.
9) Go to the cage lift machine and throw an o berry at the red bar.
10) Throw one at the water tilt to change the direction.
11) Throw one at the ledge pulley.
12) You are free now collect these things...
13) A rope an anchor a map of Gs invention and hot sauce.
14) Pour hot sauce on an o berry.
15) But the rope and ancor together.
16) Open the door and through the flamin o berry through
17) Bye Bye Puffle
18) Go back to the beginning
19) Go up to the cliff and climb up with the grapling hook.
20) Go behind the lodge and u will c herbert,
21) Get a seaweed Pizza from the parlor to give to herbert.
22) While he is eating reverse the switch and click on herbert
23) G comes and you are done.
well you see him on your 5and 6 and 7 ... mission
Well i don't know but i found a member account that i think beat it he has all the clothes from Club Penguin HOPE YOU KNOW HOW TO READ IF YOU DON'T SHOUT OUT MOM WILL YOU READ THIS TO ME AND SAY SOMETHING POLITE AFTER.DONT READ IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW BY CLAIR ZANSON
Club Penguin Missions:Basically,For every mission you do you get a special medal from the PSA (Gary/G) and sometimes if you end up helping a penguin during a mission, they give you a bonus, for example, in one of the missions, you have to fix the lights in the nightclub at the end for another penguin, and if you successfully complete it, then you get given a thank-you card from him. I have completed all of the club penguin missions, and i hope soon you can achieve this,Waddle On!N-P-6.
Once you have been released from the cage there is blueprints that are right above the table. Click o them and you have the blueprints.
you take a puffle o' from your dock and put hot sauce on it and feed it to your puffle and your puffle will melt the snow
go on youtube and type mission 6 clubpenguin that should do it And it should be How do you beat misson 6 on club penguin.
u have to beat the mission in order to get ur spy phone
go to http://www.clubpenguingang.com/
herbert the bear don't get hungry and look up the cheats on Google in the tol bar and here r some stuff u can put:club penguin cheat for mission 6,club penguin mission 6,and club penguin number6 mission that's all
go on a new tab (if you know how to do it), then go on youtube, type in club penguin mission 6 walkthrough, click on the first one then follow what is does
In the pizza shop
Its in a tree shake ALL
The bag of puffle O's
its about to track down your old spy phone, as herbert stole in mission 6.
On Mission 6, the black puffle releases you from the cage. You don't need a key.
Mission 6 on Club Penguin? Or Moshi Monsters? If on Moshi monsters, it should come out in maybe 2 weeks or so from now (17/07/11 or 07/17/11). If on Club penguin, there should already be a mission 6. On the next Moshi monsters super moshi mission the reward moshiling is Dustbin Beaver of the secrets.