ludicolo is a grass and water pokemon, if you use swampert against ludicolo, i suggest that you use the move earthquake. If you use muddy water, it is not very effective.
Your best bet is to teach swampert a powerful normal or fighting type move(Strength, hyper beam). No STAB move will work. If ludicolo has ANY grass attacks defeating it will be near impossible. Your best option is to simply get a bug, poison, or flying type to beat it. Note: Ludicolo has high special defense. use physical attacks (as mentioned above.)
swampert altaria breloom camarupt raquiza flygon this is my team and I've beat the game no that's rubbish try swampert/absol/breloom/camerupt/salamence/armaldo
Bertha has it beat her 5 times in the Pokemon elite 4
no swampert is a stater but it really Strong. I beat the game game without fainting it once. unless its because i 1 hit the other guy but, that's just me.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
i defeated him with swampert,ludicolo,rayqaza,aggron,linoone,camerupt
Your best bet is to teach swampert a powerful normal or fighting type move(Strength, hyper beam). No STAB move will work. If ludicolo has ANY grass attacks defeating it will be near impossible. Your best option is to simply get a bug, poison, or flying type to beat it. Note: Ludicolo has high special defense. use physical attacks (as mentioned above.)
Swampert, Hariyama, and Ludicolo.
Swampert,swellow,pikachu,ludicolo,ninetails,and a shiftry.
by hacking
If someone uses a strong lightning Pokemon you are doomed, but it isn't bad.
Depends on your starter. If you chose Blaziken or swampert then you should catch a grass type and electric type. a good grass type is ludicolo because he resists water very well. For and electric type I would suggest Manectric or Magneton.Level them up to around 40 and teach manectric or magneton thunderbolt. Teach ludicolo giga drain. I hope I helped!
Get type coverage moves
teach it ice or poison attacks
Get Stronger
you would have a advantage if you have swampert if you dont like swampert get any of the types i wrote ground,rock or water types
swampert altaria breloom camarupt raquiza flygon this is my team and I've beat the game no that's rubbish try swampert/absol/breloom/camerupt/salamence/armaldo