no swampert is a stater but it really Strong. I beat the game game without fainting it once. unless its because i 1 hit the other guy but, that's just me.
Swampert is a Water and Ground type pokemon.
No you cannot physically get Swampert in FireRed instead you will have to trade for one.
swampert miltic
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
Starters at lv 100. Try swampert, Empoleon, charizard, Megainium, blaziken, and sceptile! I really like my glaceon and riolu at lv 100 though...
swampert , milotic and castform
Swampert is a Water and Ground type pokemon.
Pick Swampert.
No you cannot physically get Swampert in FireRed instead you will have to trade for one.
Sceptile is way better than Breloom. Swampert is better than Sharpedo, Swampert is also a Ground type.
swampert miltic
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
im not sure but i thought i was the strongest trainer when i had a legendary first, starter second, flying Pokemon 3rd, 4th Pokemon water and 5th Pokemon phsychich i could beat everyone!
Swampert is #260 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ground type Pokemon.