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Q: How do you beat elite 4 Pokemon Crystal?
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Related questions

How can you beat the elite 4 in crystal?

You have to beat them.

Can you go to different regions in Pokemon Crystal?

you can go to the kanto region after you beat the elite 4

How do you defeat Pokemon Crystal?

To complete the storyline you have to beat the Elite 4 To really beat the game you have to defeat Red on Mt.Silver To become a Pokemon master though, you have to catch all 251 Pokemon available in Crystal version

Where is the elite 4 in Pokemon gold silver and crystal?

the elite 4 is in kanto

Cannot beat elite 4 in Pokemon sapphire?

what do you mean the elite 4 are in the Pokemon league in evergrande city you should be able to beat them if you have good Pokemon

Why the elite 4 in Pokemon Crystal do not get stronger?

There are various reasons that the Elite 4 in Pokemon Crystal do not get stronger. For example, the game is intended for a young audience and it may be too hard.

What Pokemon do you have to get in order to beat the elite 4?

=== === === ===

How many times do you have to beat the elite 4 in crystal version?

you can beat them has much as you want

What do you do on Pokemon ruby after you beat Wallace?

Go to the Elite 4, and beat them.

How do you get the nationialdex in Pokemon pearl?

beat the elite 4.

Where you can fight lance in Pokemon Crystal?

At the end of the elite 4 he is the champion.

Can you play after you beat the elite four on Pokemon ruby?

yes, the game still continues after you beat the elite 4