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after you beat the elite 4

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Q: Pokemon emerald when do they finish building the ferry?
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What will you do to finish the ferry in Pokemon emerald?

finish the pokemon league

Where is the ferry dock in Pokemon emerald?

In Slateport and in Lilycove

Where does the ferry launch from Pokemon emerald?

you have to go to your house and meleste your mom

Where is the Pokemon Colosseum in Pokemon Emerald?

You will need to beat the elite four to have access to it, then you can ride the ferry there.

Pokemon emerald where is the ss ferry apt briney?

in little root town

What do you do when you have unlocked the battle frontier on Pokemon emerald?

take the ferry from lilycove or slateport and Scott will be on the ferry and tell you thenext ferry you take is going to the battle frontier.

Where is the Pokemon Colosseum in emerald?

You will need to beat the elite four to have access to it, then you can ride the ferry there.

Where to get the old map Pokemon Emerald version?

== == u can get 1 at the s.s ferry at apt. briney

What ferry tickets can you get on Pokemon emerald?

you can get the s.s. tidal ticket from your dad after you beat the elite four.

Where is Birth Island in Pokemon Emerald?

To get Deoxys in Pokemon emerald you need the aruara ticket, get by events in the UK then go tolilycove city go to the ferry then talk to the ladyOmg that is true but that SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

How do you get to Naval Island in Pokemon Emerald?

need mytsic from UK events then go to lilycove ferry joedude

How do you get off the ferry in Pokemon emerald?

Just go to your room and rest once or twice.When you get up,you will be at your destination.