You can catch a grass type Pokemon but catching mankey is the easiest because it appears a lot especially to the east of Pewter (where Brock is).
Mankey has the advantage of being a fighting Pokemon which is super-effective against Brock's Pokemon.
After you've beaten Brock go beat the other six leaders then you can fight Blue
NO he cannot. only Your lead Pokemon can follow you.
to pewter city
Where you beat Brock. An old man is standing in a garden.
Raise your charmander to lvl. 13 and it will learn metal claw. Use Metal Claw to defeat Brock since it is super-effective against rock-type Pokemon.
cerulean city.good day sir
In the grassy area which is after the town where you beat Brock.
This can actually happen. For example your playing Pokemon yellow and you only have pikachu as a Pokemon, you will not be able to beat brock not matter what level pikachu is, but misty can be defeated because pikachu's electric type moves are strong against water type Pokemon.
i say you should look in viridian forest
In Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, Brock has two pokemon, a geodude and an onix.
meet him and beat him
After you've beaten Brock go beat the other six leaders then you can fight Blue
NO he cannot. only Your lead Pokemon can follow you.
beat brock in pewter city.
grave yard in lavender town
to pewter city
Train and fight him again until you beat him