when u talk to a druid wolf u start out nice until u say "i want to be boss" and just keep say "no,I'm boss" over and over the red bar is their health if its not red anymore they r dead
I open vzo, thwe 953
go to wolfquest .com type in wolf quest register and wa la!!!!!!!!
All that i know is wolfquest where you play as a wolf in Yellowstone national park, wolfhome where you are a 2D werewolf, and wolf team where you can be a werewolf or a soldier and you download it wolfquest too
Wolf Quest is a free download.
I open vzo, thwe 953
well go to all the pink circles on the map then go back to one pink circle and battle the wolf (WHEN YOU FIND IT) if its a speclmen wolf and its a male there you go if its a diffrent wolf like druid wolf or somthing like that then go away from it and come back there shold be a diffrent one there online my username is MissCaitlin2005 WITH THE CAPS password is: caitlin. Hope i helped you out :D have a good game of wolfquest :)
Do you mean on WolfQuest? If so, then I know how to. I don't know the exact steps, because I am also having trouble with that.1. Go to Soda Butte Vista and press V to go into scent mode2. Find large yellow dots and follow them until you find a Druid Wolf3. Make sure there is a carcass nearby4. Begin to show the wolf that you are dominant5. If your health gets too low, just give in and go to the carcass to eat6. Come back to the Druid Wolf and repeat steps 4-6That is the best guess I can make to it. There is also a YouTube video on it. It is titled something like Killing A Druid Wolf (how to)
natasha is the wolf god
From the famous wolf family ... the nadeemolfs.
The wolf scents are yellow.
You describe a wolf by warwick.
clouddancer? its a user wolf
go to wolfquest .com type in wolf quest register and wa la!!!!!!!!
Erm, a work of fiction. To the best of my knowledge, wolves do not practice druidism, though it would be pretty cool to see a pack of wolves circling stonehenge. I also find myself trying to think up a good punchline for that...a howlingly bitchin' druid? The first answer was wrong. A druid female is a female wolf that is in the Druid Peak Pack, the most famous pack in Yellowstone National Park.
It's a little like this...you have to fight and beat a wolf in all three packs. then you look for a mate. if you need more help go on youtube and type in:how to get a mate on wolf questgood luck!
Wait until next wolfquest comes out